Friday, 24 June 2011

#38 Get the Bathroom Floor Done

I regret not taking a before and after photo of my bathroom floor. The before was pretty gross. Here's what happened and why it became worthy of goal status.

In the UK it's pretty commonplace to have carpet in a bathroom. That's what we had. Unfortunately, we also had a shower head that spurted everywhere and a completely insufficient shower door. Consequently, our bathroom carpet was always wet and (although it was pretty new carpet when we moved in) smelly, so we had to either wear shoes in bathroom or walk around with wet socks all day. Yuck.

So just after we moved in O ripped the carpet up and underneath were brown and olive and mustard tiles. Ewww. Plus they were covered with bits of carpet pad and streaks of tacky glue we just could not clean off. It was bad.

Anyway, after months and months (pretty near a year actually) of debating what to replace that nasty carpet with we finally chose some lino and were done with it. YAY!!!

A big bubble appeared a week or so after installing it though. Gah!